Hosted by the AAGEE "
Association Algérienne de Génie Électrique et Électronique" and the
IEEE Algeria Section, the
International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering 2019 (
ICAEE 2019) will be held from 19th to 21th November, 2019 at the "National Library, Elhamma" in Algiers, Algeria.
The conference main theme highlights the world-changing technologies, from computing and sustainable energy systems to aerospace, communications, robotics and creates an environment where researchers and professionals can collaborate and exchange experience.
The conference is announced on
IEEE website.
Registered and presented papers will be published in proceedings that will be indexed on Scopus and IEEE Xplore .
ICAEE is a premier event in Electrical Engineering and provides an ideal forum for obtaining up-to-date information about the latest developments, exchanging ideas, identifying future trends and making networking with the international Electrical Engineering community. Papers are invited in all areas of Electrical Engineering including, but not limited to the following areas:
1. Electrical Machines and Actuators
2. Robotics, Automation and Control of Systems
3. Signal, Image and Video Processing
4. Industrial and Electronic Informatics
5. Numerical Modeling and Methods
6. Microwave Circuits and Systems
7. Diagnosis and Non-Destructive Testing
8. Power Components and Power electronics
9. Energy Storage and Management
10. Electromagnetic Compatibility
11. High Voltage Engineering
12. Power Electrical Systems
13. Renewable Energies
14. Embedded Energy Systems
15. Plasma and Electrostatics
16. Antennas and Wave propagation
17. Computer Science
18. Materials for Energy
19. Telecommunication systems
ICAEE 2019 Secretary:
Email for information contact: